Upcoming Events
Heroes Holiday Toy Drive
Woodlawn Armory/Community Center
10050 Woodlawn Blvd, Cincinnati OH 45215
Registration Opens Soon!
Shop for Our Heroes Drive
3rd Annual Fallen Heroes Golf Clsc
Location TBD
Updates Coming Soon
7th Annual Car Show
West Clermont High School
4101 Bach Buxton Rd, Batavia, OH 45103
Registration Day of Event
Network of support for the families
Operation Never Forget
Operation Open Arms
Project Little Hero

You can find our nonprofit reviews on Google by google searching “Back the Heroes Rumble”. You can also leave a review there if you wish.
We are registered on Guidestar.org This is a website where you can search for us and learn about us and our programs plus how we operate. You will also see how transparent we are as an organization. You can also find us on the Ohio Attorney General’s website as we are required by law as a charitable organization to report your gross receipts as well as their use every year to the State of Ohio’s Attorney General’s Office.
Thank you for reaching out! Many Corporations like yours have been the backbone of our efforts and without you, doing our mission would be difficult. We kindly ask that you reach out to us via email at btbrmarketing@gmail.com and our Marketing Director, Amy Donley will reach out to you and show you the various ways we can work together in serving our heroes! Also please check out our programs as there are often times along with our car show opportunities to sponsor! Again, Thank you for your support!
Our Cause In The Media